'(Xeno's Xoom)
Now Released World Wide Web
Xeno's Xoom is now released to the World Wide Web! This movie spent months in production because I just had to choose a region of The Mandelbrot Set with a very slow escape.
Just as with the other fractal movie, the image above is the link to the movie itself. Enjoy it! If you jumped here from my home page and you are interested in more details about this movie, see the previous page. And now for some basic statistics.
- File Size: 32MB
- Run Time: 00:02:50
- Resolution: 320x240
- Final Encoder: QuickTime 7.0 using MPEG-4 video / AAC 128kbps 44.1khz stereo audio
- Zoom Range: 1.0e14 - 1.0
Xeno's Xoom has received world wide attention and recognition. Here are some mentions that I'm aware of so far.
- Zach Beane of Planet Lisp has a torrent link (does it still work?) in his Live Journal blog
- The highly respected Lisp blogger Bill Clementson talks about Xeno's Xoom in Fractal Movies in Lisp
A quick Google search doesn't reveal any other mentions beyond what has been logged from #lisp on irc.freenode.net. If you know of any other links to this page, please let me know and I just might link back.