'(Lisp Links Stuff)
Everything under this directory tree is historic and may be incomplete
ANSI Common Lisp is a language with a long and turbulent history. Lately it seems to be experiencing a renaissance. If you want to learn Lisp using free tools, Debian GNU/Linux is probably the best system to use. There are many packages devoted to Lisp that are a mere apt-get away. I also think that OS X is an excellent system for Lisp. I use both, but most of my time is spent on OS X. Just to be even more different (no, that's not the real reason) I'm using Carbon instead of Cocoa.
This page lists some of the Lisp stuff I have worked on and also provides links to other Lisp related sites.
Some Links To Other Lisp Resources
- I use OpenMCL on my Mac.
- SBCL also runs on Darwin (Mac OS X). I use it on Debian Linux as well as OS X.
- Pascal Costanza's Highly Opinionated Guide to Lisp is a good read and has lots of links.
- CMUCL home page.
- ILISP is an Emacs package that is a mere apt-get away if you are on Debian.
- I use SLIME, an alternative to ILISP.
- CLISP is quite popular.
- CLiki is a Common Lisp wiki.
- common-lisp.net hosts various projects.
- The Common Lisp Cookbook
- Practical Common Lisp --- A new Lisp book by Peter Seibel.
- Lisperati --- Home of the Lisp comic book, "Casting Spels in Lisp".
- Planet Lisp is a Lisp blog aggregate. (Try telling my spell checker that 'aggregator' is a word.)
- Something for the Turkish.